English Language Arts
Site Based on the CT Core Standards, some of the skills students will be developing in Kindergarten include...
Foundational Skills
count, blend and segment syllables
recognize the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make
associate long and short vowel sounds with common spellings and word families
recognize high frequency words
use a variety of strategies to decode words
retell stories and texts
identify the story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution)
grow vocabulary word knowledge
ask and answer questions about text
connect illustrations to words in the story
develop an understanding of characters and their actions
use drawing, dictating and writing to create a story or personal narrative
use drawing, dictating and writing to create an informative or opinion text such as an All About Me book
participate in shared writing and research with the class
form and write complete sentences
use punctuation and capitalization
Speaking and Listening
have meaningful conversations with others
demonstrate understanding of a story read aloud or told orally
ask questions to seek help or gain understanding
speak and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly