English Language Arts
Grade 7
Site Based on the CT Core Standards, some of the skills students will be developing in Grade 7 include...
cite several pieces of textual evidence to support inferences and analysis of text
determine a central idea and analyze its development throughout a text
analyze the interactions of story elements
determine the meanings of figurative, connotative and technical words/phrases
analyze how an author develops the point of view of characters in a story
analyze the effects of techniques unique to a variety of types of media
trace and evaluate the argument and supporting claims in a text
compare and contrast a the time period in a fictional text with an historical account of that time period
Speaking and Listening
engage effectively and productively in a range of types of conversations
follow rules for collegial conversations, track progress toward goals set and define roles as needed
evaluate the soundness of the reasoning and presentation of a speaker's argument
present claims and findings in a focused, organized manner
adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks
include multimedia and visual displays in presentations
write an argument that includes a claim, a counter-claim and supporting evidence
write informative pieces based on research
write an analysis of literature including relevant, supporting details and examples
produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task purpose and audience
strengthen writing through editing and revising
conduct research projects to answer a question, drawing on information from multiple print and digital sources
- quote and paraphrase relevant information while avoiding plagiarism, following a standard format for citation
​demonstrate command of grammar conventions and usage when writing or speaking
demonstrate command in spelling, punctuation and grammar when writing
choose among simple, complex and compound-complex sentence to signal the relationships among ideas
use language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely
demonstrate understandings of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings
acquire and use accurately grade level vocabulary