English Language Arts
Grade 3
Site Based on the CCS, some of the skills students will be developing in Grade 3 include...
Foundational Skills
identify and know the meaning of most prefixes and suffixes
decode multisyllabic words
read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
read with purpose and understanding
use context to confirm or correct word recognition during reading
write opinions about the books read and give reasons to support thinking
write narrative and fictional stories that follow a story structure
write informational pieces based on expertise and research
strengthen writing through editing and revising
demonstrate command of grammar conventions and usage when writing or speaking
demonstrate command of spelling and punctuation when writing
retell stories or texts and determine the central message, lesson or moral
describe how character actions impact the sequence of events in a story
describe logical connections between sentences and paragraphs related to text structure
determine the meaning of general and academic words
compare/contrast themes, aspects of stories and key details presented in text
Speaking and Listening
have meaningful conversations and build on others' ideas
determine main ideas and supporting ideas of a text read orally
ask and answer questions to seek help or gain a deeper understanding of the topic being discussed
report on a topic accurately, with relevant details, in a clear voice
speak appropriate to task and situation