English Language Arts

Grade 1

Site Based on the CT Core Standards, some of the skills students will be developing in Grade 1 include...
Foundational Skills
read long and short vowels in words
decode one and two syllable words that follow basic patterns
recognize that a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends in punctuation
read with purpose and understanding
read orally with appropriate accuracy and rate to support comprehension
use context to confirm or correct word recognition
retell stories including key details about characters and events
identify a central message or lesson in a text
know and use text features
identify various text structures in texts
use illustrations, details and important vocabulary in a text to describe key ideas
connect ideas, steps or events in a text
identify the main purpose of the text
write narrative stories with focus, detail and dialogue
write informative texts, such as a how-to book
write opinion pieces, such as a book review
use a range of strategies to decode unknown words and determine word meanings
use proper punctuation and capitalization
Speaking and Listening
have meaningful conversations with others and build on others' talk
demonstrate understanding of a story read aloud or told orally
ask questions to clear up confusion or to deepen understanding
describe people or events with details that express ideas and feelings clearly